Timeline FRG Umbria


to coordinate youth activities in Perugia and Umbria.



6 meetings of 30 Associations

to coordinate youth activities in Perugia and Umbria. During December 2013 the youth
organizations start working on the EYC 2017 Candidacy



JAN 1st > 31st : 4 meetings to introduce the European Youth Capital Process and to
develop the first Concept Note


Activities JAN 1st > 31st

JAN 1st > 31st : 4 meetings to introduce the European Youth Capital Process and to
develop the first Concept Note


Meeting in Rome with FNG

- FEB 5th : Meeting in Rome with FNG – Forum Nazionale Giovani 


Meeting in Rome with FNG

- FEB 5th : Meeting in Rome with FNG – Forum Nazionale Giovani 

- FEB 7th : Meeting with Arnaldo Colasanti, Artistic Director of Perugia 2019 Project to 
develop collaborations.

- FEB 13th : Coalition for Perugia EYC 2017 constitution meeting (53 Regional youth NGOs) 
and election of 7 representatives and a Spokesperson (Vincenzo Andricciola). Development 
of 4 thematic areas representing the project focuses.

- FEB 14th – 20th : Working on the project CONCEPT NOTE of Perugia EYC 2017 project

- FEB 20th : CONCEPT NOTE of Perugia EYC 2017 sent to the European Youth Forum

  Video Perugia EYC 2017> VIDEO

- FEB 26th : 4 Representatives from Perugia 2017 Youth Coalition in Rome for the 10th
anniversary of FNG – Forum Nazionale Giovani -Roma, Casa del Jazz 

Training with the FNG P.O.T

- MARCH 16th: Training with the FNG P.O.T – Perugia “Spagnoli” Youth Hostel 


Training with the FNG P.O.T

- MARCH 16th: Training with the FNG P.O.T – Perugia “Spagnoli” Youth Hostel

- MARCH 29-30th, Perugia: Round Table on Perugia EYC 2017 Candidacy before the FNG 
Assembly – Seminars on the Structured Dialogue



workshop “Yeu developing you”, organised in Perugia by Y.E.U. 
International (hosted by ADISU – Perugiassisi Foundation – Perugia Municipality) 



- APRIL 1st – 8th : workshop “Yeu developing you”, organised in Perugia by Y.E.U. 
International (hosted by ADISU – Perugiassisi Foundation – Perugia Municipality)  - VIDEO

-APRIL 9th: The Coalition Perugia EYC2017 presented the candidacy during the 3rd
international meeting on #comenius project “We All Smile In The Same Language”- ITET 
high school, Perugia

- APRIL 24th: PRESS CONFERENCE after the first EYC selection: Perugia is one of the 5 
city chosen to run for EYC2017 


- MAY 9th: EUROPE DAY – Round table on YOUTH GUARANTEE



- MAY 9th: EUROPE DAY – Round table on YOUTH GUARANTEE with Carla Casciari Deputy for Welfare, Youth and Vice-President of Umbria and Mr. Rosetti Director of “active Labor policy sector”Region of Umbria

- MAY 19th: Rome, Participation - Public National presentation of YOUTH GUARANTEE
– with Mr. Poletti, Labour Minister, Ms Boldrini, President of the Chamber of Deputies and Giuseppe Failla, FNG -Forum Nazionale Giovani + Presentation of Perugia EYC2017 project to the Minister Poletti 

Presentation of Perugia EYC2017

- JUNE 1st: Presentation of Perugia EYC2017 project to the Minister Maria Elena Boschi. Meeting with Catiuscia Marini President of Region of Umbria



Presentation of Perugia EYC2017

- JUNE 1st: Presentation of Perugia EYC2017 project to the Minister Maria Elena Boschi. Meeting with Catiuscia Marini President of Region of Umbria

-JUNE 1st – 15th: bilater meetings on Perugia EYC 2017 – project, with: Education Regional Institutions networks: Fondazione Accademia di Belle Arti, Università degli Studi di Perugia,  Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Scuola di Giornalismo Radiotelevisivo, Conservatorio Francesco Morlacchi, Adisu. Andrea Romizi - new Mayor of Perugia (elected on June 8th) Carla  Casciari – Vice-President of Regione Umbria

- JUNE 2nd : Presentation during the Event “Ponte in Corso” in Perugia  VIDEO

- JUNE 5th : Training meeting on European Youth policies, in Perugia, Sala della Vaccara - +Meeting with the Mayor Wladimiro Boccali VIDEO

- JUNE 20th: Presentation of PERUGIA EYC2017 project to the Audience of Agricolture University student

- JUNE 25th -26th : Participation and presentation of PERUGIA EYC2017 project to the Regional Youth Rock Festival “Umbria che spacca” (The Smashing Umbria) in Perugia.

- JUNE 27th : Shooting of the official Video PERUGIA EYC2017 by the Coalition youth associations network

- JUNE 28th - 29th : Presentation of EYC2017 project during the “Pride Village”, organized by Omphalos Arcigay-Arcilesbica of Perugia


General Meeting of the Coalition

- JULY 1st : General Meeting of the Coalition for Perugia EYC2017 – starting moment and criteria definition for the constitution on Umbria Regional Youth Forum (Forum Regionale dei Giovani dell’UMBRIA – FRGU)



General Meeting of the Coalition

- JULY 1st : General Meeting of the Coalition for Perugia EYC2017 – starting moment and criteria definition for the constitution on Umbria Regional Youth Forum (Forum Regionale dei Giovani dell’UMBRIA – FRGU)

- JULY 1st: Meeting with Dramane Wagué new deputy on Youth and Participation of the Municipality of Perugi

- JULY 15th : Constitutional Congress of the Umbria Regional Youth Forum (Forum Regionale dei Giovani dell'Umbria – FRGU)

- JULY 16th – 31st : Meeting of the representatives of FRGU with the regional private sector to present Perugia EYC 2017 project for fundraising:

   Fondazione Lungarotti  -  Fondazione Cucinelli  -  Eurochocolate




Participation and presentation

- AUG 4th : Participation and presentation of Perugia EYC2017 project during UMBRIA ROCK International Festival, Massa Martana (Perugia)



Participation and presentation

- AUG 4th : Participation and presentation of Perugia EYC2017 project during UMBRIA ROCK International Festival, Massa Martana (Perugia) VIDEO

- AUG 4th : First General Assembly of the Umbria Regional Youth Forum



Working meetings

- SEPT 1st – 30th : working meetings of the FRGU on the project programme: (over 130 representives involved).


Working meetings

- SEPT 1st – 30th : working meetings of the FRGU on the project programme: (over 130 representives involved).
- SEPT 4th : Official meeting of the Umbria Regional Youth Forum with Carla Casciari - Regional Deputy for welfare and youth – Region of Umbria
- SEPT 5th : Official meeting of the Umbria Regional Youth Forum with Andrea Romizi – Mayor of Perugia

- SEPT 5th : Meeting in Assisi (Perugia) with Stefania Giannini – Italian Minister for Education: Presentation of Perugia EYC 2017 project

- SEPT 5th : Presentation of Perugia EYC 2017 project by Gabriele Biccini spokeperson of FRGU to 1000 Italian youngsters during the event organized by the Italian Oratories in Assisi (Perugia) “H2Oratori”, l'incontro degli oratori italiani.

- SEPT 6th : Participation to the Scientific Event “Isola di Einstein”c/o Polvese island- Trasimeno Lake, organised by Psiquadro Association
- SEPT 13rd: Meeting on the project activities with Carla Casciari - Regional Deputy for welfare and youth – Region of Umbria
- SEPT 18th: Participation to the national event “La Repubblica delle Idee - Rep. Next” organized by La Repubblica – 1st Italian Newspaper
- SEPT 23rd : Rome – Meeting with Luigi Bobba - Secretary for Youth Policy of Italian Government – Presentation of Perugia EYC 2017 project

- SEPT 27th: Seminar on “NO HATE SPECH” campaign – during the University MediaFest – Perugia

- SEPT 28th : Participation in “Sharper – European Reserchers’ Night”in Perugia
- SEPT 27th : Pavone theatre (Perugia center): Youth Regional Forum of Umbria present to the audience the Perugia European Youth Capital 2017 participation path - during the public presentation of the final dossier "Seeding Change" of Perugia ECoC 2019

- SEPT 28th : Participation – “Todi Appy Days”, APP International Festival set in Todi (Perugia) – organized by Region of Umbria










Participation to the event ReThink

- OCT 2nd : Participation to the event “ReThink, a new model of development through cooperative path” Generazioni Legacoop; during the event >Coalition for PERUGIA


Participation to the event ReThink

- OCT 2nd : Participation to the event “ReThink, a new model of development through cooperative path” Generazioni Legacoop; during the event >Coalition for PERUGIA 2017EYC seminar on “participated consensus and networking: a winning strategy in Europe”

- OCT 2nd : Second General Assembly of the Umbria Regional Youth Forum
- OCT 5th : Event “FA LACOSA GIUSTA”(“Do the right think”) - Participation and presentation of PERUGIA EYC2017 project – Umbria fiere (Perugia)
- OCT 10th : Presentation of PERUGIA EYC2017 project to the ECOC 2019 Selection Panel commissioners – During their visit in Perugia
- OCT 19th : Participation to the Perugia-Assisi “peace march”- presentation of PERUGIA EYC 2017 project during the meeting called “100 young people for peace”
- OCT 26th : 50 young volunteers of FRGU help the organization of the Chocomaraton. Part of money coming from T-shirt selling will be given to support the Umbria Regional Youth Forum and the project Perugia 2017 European Youth Capital



Youth employment

TOPICS: Youth employment + enterprenourship / participation + cooperation + intergenerational justice


3th: 2nd workshop for building the content of our common Perugia2018 European Youth Capital project. Working on: education, training and volunteering.

10th: in ‪Strasbourgh‬ Youth from ‪#‎perugia‬ to build a ‪‎University‬media network! Perugia's ‪Radiophonica‬ will be part of an European project which aims to promote and discuss European issues ‪#‎perugia2018‬ 

12th: ‪#‎perugia2018‬ and ‪UmbriaYouthForum‬ in Rome Guardo al Futuro ‪GaF‬. Today Report on ‪youth‬ ‪mobility


Youth and entrepreneurship in Europe, towards

Students and young workers discussed on youth entrepreneurship topics during the workshop promoted by Umbria Youth Forum.


Students and young workers discussed on youth entrepreneurship, development of start-up, sustainability, training and internationalization topics during the workshop promoted by Umbria Youth Forum.

This is part of the process that is involving more than 70 youth associations of Umbria for the candidacy of Perugia as European Youth Capital in 2018.

At this meeting took part:

Dramane Wagué - Perugia's Assessor for Participation and Association

Matteo Bartolini - President of CEJA

Clelia Cini - President of AGIA Umbria

Chiara Pucciarini - President of Giovani Confcommercio Perugia

Read more: http://www.umbrianetwork.it/it/article/136

Perugia 2018 - Città candidata

Il percorso intrapreso nel 2013 dalla città di Perugia per la candidatura a Capitale dei Giovani 2017 ha creato un meccanismo virtuoso di consapevolezza del ruolo dei giovani nella società e ha portato alla costruzione del Forum Regionale dei Giovani dell’Umbria (FRGU), che comprende associazioni con oltre 56.000 soci, partendo proprio dalla coalizione di associazioni giovanili che hanno supportato il progetto nel 2014.


Dopo aver raggiunto la fase finale, il Forum e le istituzioni come il Comune e la Regione hanno deciso di ripresentare la candidatura della città per il titolo del 2018. Grazie all’esperienza accumulata i giovani hanno individuato nuovi percorsi da intraprendere e criticità da affrontare e hanno deciso di focalizzare il progetto per PERUGIA European Youth Capital 2018 su 6 tematiche.


Il Concept Note del progetto è stato inviato il 28 febbraio 2015 il 29 aprile 2015 Perugia è stata selezionata tra le 5 finaliste per il titolo di Capitale Europea dei Giovani 2018!! Insieme a Cascais (Portogallo), Kecskemet (Ungheria), Manchester (UK) e Novi Sad (Serbia).

Perchè aderire al Forum?

1. Muticulturalismo + cultura + arte

2. Educazione + formazione

3. Volontariato

4 . Occupazione giovanile + imprenditorialità

5. Youth empowerment + Dialogo Interreligioso

6. Partecipazione + giustizia intergenerazionale + cooperazione

Il nostro obiettivo è creare una città rigenerata in grado di offrire opportunità per i giovani nei processi decisionali, al fine di essere considerati come 'capitale' per la società civile. Vogliamo dimostrare che i giovani sono la chiave per lo sviluppo di una cultura europea in cui le nostre tradizioni potrebbero apportare un valore aggiunto al modello di governance, basato sulla solidarietà e la pace. Siamo fermamente convinti che la nostra creatività, le nostre idee innovative, l'empatia sociale e il volontariato possono diventare il "motore" di questa società.

Immaginiamo Perugia come una città magnetica, giovanile e vivibile, in grado di rigenerare impulsi giovanili e di attrarre i giovani che hanno il coraggio di realizzare le proprie idee.

umbrianetwork FRG Umbria

Associazioni aderenti al Forum Regionale Giovani

Associazione UDU Perugia
ARCI Perugia
L'Officina Musicale
Omphalos Arcigay Arcilesbica
ESN Perugia
Associazione LARES

Playlist - Youth In Umbria

Perugia Capitale Italiana dei Giovani 2016

Perugia Capitale


UMBRIA NETWORK è un progetto dell'Associazione culturale L'Officina e ha l'obiettivo di promuovere e supportare tutte le eccellenze culturali della regione.






  • L'OFFICINA Associazione 
    Via E. Torricelli, 5
    Zona industriale Molinaccio
  • 075 5997747
  • officinamusicale [at] hotmail.com